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08-09 May

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👍Chain of Responsibility Design Pattern In .NET C# 👀

➡ It allows passing a request or an object through a chain of handlers. ➡ Once a handler receives a request, it decides whether it can process the req...

Case-Insensitive Search in ABP Based-PostgreSQL Application

PostgreSQL, by default, is a case-sensitive database. This means that text data stored in the database is treated as case-sensitive. However, in many ...


Unlocking Modularity in ABP.io: A Closer Look at the Contributor Pattern

Get a deep dive into the established Contributor pattern within the ABP.io framework. This post walks you through the ins and outs of leveraging this ...

👍Design Best Practices In .NET C# 👀

➡ In this article we are going to explore some Design Best Practices that are practically proved to be efficient. ➡ Practices like "Unified Retur...

🤔 When Implementations Affect Abstractions ⁉️

➡ If I ask you: Could your knowledge of the available implementations affect your abstractions design? ➡ Most probably you would say: No, if this happ...


How to share the cookies between subdomains

Sharing cookies between subdomains is a common requirement in web development. For example, you have a website with multiple subdomains, and you want ...