

ABP Now Supports Keyed Services!

In this post, I describe the new "keyed service" support for the dependency injection container, which came with .NET 8.0. Then, I'll show y...

dependency-injection net8

Upgrade Your Existing Projects to .NET 8 & ABP 8.0

A new .NET version was released on November 14, 2023, and ABP 8.0 RC.1 shipped based on .NET 8.0 just after Microsoft's .NET 8.0 release. Therefore, i...

net8 abp8

New Minimal APIs features in ASP.NET Core 8.0

In this article, we will see the new features of Minimal APIs in ASP.NET Core 8.0.

net8 aspnet-core

EF Core 8 - Enhancements to JSON column mapping

In this article, we will examine the enhancements introduced in EF Core 8 for the JSON column feature, building upon the foundation laid by JSON colum...

entity-framework-core net8 efcore8

HierarchyId Support in Entity Framework Core

Entity Framework Core supports HierarchyId for efficiently handling hierarchical data in SQL Server. Install the package and configure your project w...

entity-framework-core net8 efcore8

Native AOT Compilation in .NET 8

Native AOT (Ahead-of-Time) compilation is a feature that allows developers to create a self-contained app compiled to native code that can run on mach...

net8 aot

ASP.NET 8: What's New About Authentication and Authorization

In ASP.NET 8, the concept of authentication and authorization is undergoing a transformation. Specifically, ASP.NET Core Identity is transitioning fro...

net8 aspnet-core

.NET 8: Serialization Improvements

In this article, I will explain serialization and deserialization improvements come with .NET 8

dotnet net8

EF Core 8 Primitive collections

Discover the new features in EF Core 8 for working with primitive collections. Before EF Core 8, you had to use workarounds to store lists of primitiv...

entity-framework-core net8 efcore8

Blazor's History and Full-stack Web UI

The first version of Blazor was released on May 14, 2020. Since its initial release, Blazor has evolved into six different versions. In this post, I e...

blazor net8