Converting Create/Edit Modal to Page

In this document we will explain how to convert BookStore's Books create & edit modals to regular razor pages.





Index page

Repalce abp-button(NewBookButton) buttom with <a class="btn btn-primary" href="/Books/CreateModal"><i class="fa fa-plus"></i> @L["NewBook"].Value</a>.

Index js file

Remove the related codes of createModal and editModal.

Change the Edit row action with location.href = "/Books/EditModal?id=" +;

Create/Edit Book page

Remove Layout = null; and add some custom style and javascript code to CreateModal.cshtml & EditModal.cshtml.

@section styles {
        .abp-view-modal .modal {
                position: static;
                display: block;
                opacity: inherit !important;
        .abp-view-modal .modal.fade .modal-dialog {
            transition: inherit !important;
            transform: inherit !important;;
        .abp-view-modal .modal-header .btn-close {
            display: none;
@section scripts {
        $(".abp-view-modal form").abpAjaxForm().on('abp-ajax-success', function () {
            location.href = "/Books";

Add a div element with abp-view-modal class to wrap the abp-dynamic-form, Set size of abp-modal to ExtraLarge and remove the AbpModalButtons.Cancel button from abp-modal-footer.


<div class="abp-view-modal">
    <abp-dynamic-form abp-model="Book" asp-page="/Books/CreateModal">
        <abp-modal static="true" size="ExtraLarge">
            <abp-modal-header title="@L["NewBook"].Value"></abp-modal-header>
                <abp-form-content />
            <abp-modal-footer buttons="@(AbpModalButtons.Save)"></abp-modal-footer>


<div class="abp-view-modal">
    <abp-dynamic-form abp-model="Book" asp-page="/Books/EditModal">
        <abp-modal size="ExtraLarge">
            <abp-modal-header title="@L["Update"].Value"></abp-modal-header>
                <abp-form-content />
            <abp-modal-footer buttons="@(AbpModalButtons.Save)"></abp-modal-footer>

You can check this Git commit for details.

mvc abp razor page modal
Engincan Veske 70 weeks पहले

Great article !

Berkan Şaşmaz 69 weeks पहले

Great article!

Buckoge 69 weeks पहले

Great article. Thanks :) 68 weeks पहले

That was exactly the question I asked myself today! It would be great to have an example for Angular too.

Best! Alex

Alper Ebiçoğlu 68 weeks पहले

thank you

abpVAndy 68 weeks पहले

Please add example for Angular!

kevin.kuo 68 weeks पहले

Great article! this is very useful.

Onur Pıçakcı 67 weeks पहले

Great article!

Enis Necipoğlu 62 weeks पहले
Val Kelmendi 62 weeks पहले

Please Add an example for Angular toooo. thanks

Masum ULU 59 weeks पहले
Navneet Saraswat 58 weeks पहले

Is it possible to do with ABP Suite? Please share how can we customise for commercial users

drewbinsky 48 weeks पहले

thanks for providing a code snippet that demonstrates how to convert the Bookstore Book feature creation and editing mode into regular Razor pages very detailed and easy to understand

Liming Ma से अधिक