
Replacing Email Templates and Sending Emails

Hi, in this step by step article, we will send an email by using standard email template and then we will replace the standard email template with our...

Using Angular Material Components With the ABP Framework

We will create a book store application using angular material components and ABP Framework.

Dealing with Multiple Implementations of a Service in ASP.NET Core & ABP Dependency Injection

I will explain how you can register multiple implementations of the same service interface and inject/resolve all these implementations when you need ...


Real Time Messaging In A Distributed Architecture Using Abp Framework, SingalR & RabbitMQ

In this article, we will build a basic real time messaging application in a distributed architecture. We will use Abp Framework for infrastructure and...

Real-time Notifications via SignalR in ABP Project

We will implement a basic SignalR engine for real-time notifications in an ABP project. Thus, we will enable the server-side code to instantly send co...

MudBlazor Theme in ABP Blazor WebAssembly

This sample demonstrates how you can use MudBlazor layouts in your ABP Blazor WebAssembly applications.

How to replace SwaggerUI with RapiDoc

The post shows how to replace SwaggerUI with RapiDoc as the default API documentation page in an abp.

swagger RapiDoc

ASP.NET 8: What's New About Authentication and Authorization

In ASP.NET 8, the concept of authentication and authorization is undergoing a transformation. Specifically, ASP.NET Core Identity is transitioning fro...

net8 aspnet-core

Setup Email Confirmation on User Registration

How to setup email verification after a user fills in the registration form in an ABP application.


Injecting Service Dependencies to Entities with Entity Framework Core 7.0

Why we may need to have references to other services in an entity class and how we can implement Entity Framework Core's new IMaterializationIntercept...