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A BaseEfCoreRepository class that inherits from EfCoreRepository

In this article, I explain how you can create a BaseEfCoreRepository class that inherits from the EfCoreRepository class of the ABP Framework.


Connect an ABP application with OpenIddict to Zapier - Part 3

This article builds on the foundation established in Part 1 of the series to show you how you can extend the functionality of your system with Zapier ...

Extending the Application Configuration Endpoint

ABP Framework provides a standard endpoint that contains some useful information about the application, such as localization values, current user info...

Connect an ABP application with OpenIddict to Zapier - Part 2

This article builds on the foundation established in Part 1 of the series to show you how you can extend the functionality of your system with Zapier ...

Zapier openiddict

Connect an ABP application with OpenIddict to Zapier - Part 1

This article is designed to walk you through the steps to configure an ABP Framework application, using the OpenIddict module for an identity server, ...

Zapier openiddict

Create database per tenant in SQL Elastic Pool with ABP Commercial

In this short article lets learn how to create tenant wise databases and add them to the elastic pool server programmatically using ABP Commercial.