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08 May Wednesday - 09:00, Virtual

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Docker Deployment using docker swarm

This is a step-by-step guide on how to set up a server and deploy a docker container using a docker swarm. you will learn how to deploy the ABP micros...

Consume an ABP API (OpenIddict) from a .NET Core console Application

From version 6.0.0 ABP will start to use OpenIddict instead of IdentityServer. In this article, I will show you how you can connect to an OpenIddict p...


A BaseEfCoreRepository class that inherits from EfCoreRepository

In this article, I explain how you can create a BaseEfCoreRepository class that inherits from the EfCoreRepository class of the ABP Framework.


Connect an ABP application with OpenIddict to Zapier - Part 3

This article builds on the foundation established in Part 1 of the series to show you how you can extend the functionality of your system with Zapier ...

Extending the Application Configuration Endpoint

ABP Framework provides a standard endpoint that contains some useful information about the application, such as localization values, current user info...

Connect an ABP application with OpenIddict to Zapier - Part 2

This article builds on the foundation established in Part 1 of the series to show you how you can extend the functionality of your system with Zapier ...

Zapier openiddict